There will be Archery, Armored, Combat Archery, Equestrian, Rapier, Steel, Thrown Weapons, and Youth activities. Please reach out to Dame Dealla Cohen for more information (
Greetings from the Armored Marshal in Charge! Battle on the Bay will have a great number of armored melee scenarios – including ship to ship battles, capture the flag, and a broken field battle where you will have to collect treasure and return it to your base!
Inspections will start after court (around 10:30) with authorizations to follow.
Rapier: This year’s rapier activities are broken up into three areas. First, there will be a ‘Students’ tourney open to anyone that does not have a fencing GoA award or a MoD. This will be single elimination. After that will be water-themed 5-person team scenario battles. The day will round out with large-scale melee, again water themed.
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Sign-in
Immediately Following Morning Court(Approximately 10:30 AM) Students Tourney (Single Elem – No GoA or MoD)
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM Rapier team scenarios (round robin) – (Lunch, probably 1200-1300)
2:00 PM – 2:30 PM Scheduled Water Break
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM Open field melees – possibly with special C&T and spear runs
C&T/Spear skirmish
Generic 3 passes open field battle (storming the beach)
3 flag resurrection battle (two boats and a bridge)
Equestrian will have a water themed challenge and a water battle. Also the equines and their humans will be doing a meet and greet around lunch, treats will be provided. Throughout the day we will also have a populace vote for things like favorite equine. Please come join us!
9:00 AM Ground Crew class (needed to get GC authorized)
10:30 AM Arena open for warm up and authorizations
11:00 AM You Can Lead a Horse to Water, but You Can’t Make Them Drink (a challenge course)
12:30 PM Populace horse meet and greet
1:00 PM Lunch break
2:00 PM Arena open for warm up
2:30 PM Equestrian Water battle (Wear white at your own risk)
Thrown Weapons:
We have an exciting day planned for thrown weapons. This is a great activity for newcomers and experienced folks alike.
10:30- 11-30 Practice
11:30-12:30 Lunch and set up for tournament
12:30-2:30 Sink that Ship game/ tournament
2:30-3:00 Break
3:00-4:30 Open practice and perhaps Royal Rounds.
Steel at Battle on the Bay.
Come join us on the Steel Field! We have space to demonstrate our marshal activity.
Interested fighters come on out with the armor you have. We’ll help with armor too! You can practice with a steel sword while your opponent practices with rattan. Also come over if your interested in judging, mol’ing, or marshaling.
Should there be enough fighters for a tournament, there will be a Populace Gallery Tournament.
Come be judgey – all are invited to participate in the judging!
Come explore a new combat convention and test your mettle & metal!